It's that fun time in life when a lot of important events are happening to people around me. Some are getting married, others are having kids, changing jobs etc. Which is super fun for me because it allows me to use my crafty hands to help with all these events. A couple weeks ago we had my friend Adri's baby shower. She is having a boy (L U C A S). She didn't want the decoration to be blue or green but instead to have a neutral palette. My lucky friend has a lot of creative people around her and we all helped a little to make this baby shower something beautiful. I helped by making the invitations and doing all the hand written signs. The beautiful pictures were taken by Gabi (click on her name to go to her website).
Anddd some of the not so beautiful pictures were taken by me.. :)
Hi Nat!
Te mando un gran saludo desde Colombia :D, me encantó la fiesta que montaron, sobre todo los avisos de la cerveza, Un saludo! ;)
Posted by: Sara | 04/17/2015 at 03:49 PM
Gracias Sara!
Posted by: The Folding Chair | 04/17/2015 at 10:28 PM