I always carry a notebook/agenda and a pen with me. I've been surprised how you get ideas from random things even in your daily routine. So, it's always good to have a back up of the things that are going on in your mind. I also write the things I would like to do later that day or maybe during the weekend. Things for the blog, things for freelance etc. And every once in a while I would write what I REALLY want to do. Like.. what I want to do when I grow up kind of things.. But, since I have so many agendas and I go through so many pages in a notebook so fast those things that I really want to do get lost. In other words.. my dreams get lost. Lost on the papers I wrote them.. and lost in my memory. Because there are so many things that I want to do that one becomes a priority over the other one until I just forget. So I want to keep them in some place where I can see them everyday and remind my self that I have to work on them. There are 5 things that I've always dreamed of doing. 1. Baby clothes 2. Furniture 3. Jewelry 4. Stationery 5. Textiles . Those things I've dreamed of doing since I was a little girl. So I made this little card to write them on it and put it up where I can always see them. Like next to my computer because is guaranteed that I would see them everyday. I hope this helps you remind you of your dreams everyday and hopefully achieve them as well. Click here to download the print version.
Oo this is so cute! Thanks for sharing. :) I will most definitely be using this.
- J -
Posted by: Jenny @ Coffee and Honeycomb | 09/09/2013 at 11:19 PM
Good idea to keep your dreams right in front of your face.
xx Alecia with www.likesof.us
Posted by: Alecia | 09/10/2013 at 11:06 AM
Good idea! I could use this... so many dreams
Posted by: sue | 09/11/2013 at 10:57 AM
Your welcome Jenny :)
Posted by: The Folding Chair | 09/11/2013 at 11:54 AM
Thank you! I sure need to eemind myself of those thing I want to do!
Posted by: The Folding Chair | 09/11/2013 at 11:54 AM
Thank you
Posted by: The Folding Chair | 09/11/2013 at 11:55 AM