This is how my weeks have been looking lately. My friend from school told me a couple months ago about an opportunity to manage the social media and all the creative stuff from a Colombian Burger Place that is probably one of the biggest chains of fast casual food over there. They have expanded and opened up their first restaurant here in Miami. And well, we actually got the job with them so we have been extremely busy. I still have my full time job, I am super excited with this new project but we have so much to do and I don't want to give up on my blog. I feel this is my space. The space where I can be 100% myself. Inspire my life a little with the things I am truly passionate about. My colorful, girly stuff that can't really use on a restaurant (at least this restaurant) or toys (my regular job). Well, sometimes I do get to work on cute girly stuff for little girls in my full time job but it's not the same. Anyway, I have many projects, pictures already taken from DIYs I've worked on, ideas, posts that my cousin has helped me with but I need to find the time to edit them and share it here. I will find time. I know it. Hope you have a great rest of the week!
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